Our 50 or so painters are at work with colours every day. Which colours do they use and which colours have proven to be the best value for money for us?
new woodchip wallpaper: Brillux Raulan ELF 953 covers in one pass,
or if you want it to be really brilliant white and meet higher demands: Brillux Gletscher Weiß ELF 970
new smooth surfaces: Brillux Superlux 3000, alternative Brillux topp ELF 948 (cheaper matt Latex) 2 coats each.
Overhaul coatings: Brillux Superlux 3000, Wet abrasion class 2 (like latex), as one coat is sufficient due to the covering power and because of the small amount of filler the substrate is not sludged and the structure or smoothness is retained.
Overhaul coating Delux: Glemalux 1000 , Wet abrasion class 1, otherwise like Superlux
Favourable overhaul coating: Brillux Dolomit (Trend): experienced and careful painter required to achieve a single coat of opaque paint.
Solid colours without writing effect: Brillux Vetrolux 3100 (primer coat with Superlux or Vetrolux)
Brillux Sensocryl 266-269, matt, silk matt, silk gloss or gloss: is a TÜV-tested dispersion varnish for extreme demands, such as in the food sector
Brillux Malerweiß 956 altweiß Malerweiß 954 white: very favourable "basement paint"
Brillux Vitalux 9000: for allergy sufferers (WITHOUT preservatives)
Brillux Eurosil 1907: Cellar silicate paint, inexpensive silicate paint for cellars and garages
Brillux Profisil 1906: TÜV-tested silicate paint
Brillux Kalisil 1909: Premium silicate paint, wet abrasion class 2
Textured paint:
fine texture: Brillux Finolato 75
or Brillux Wand-Primer grob 3728
coarser structure: dispersion: Brillux Granulato