How to properly apply the lime paint Limewash

How do I properly apply the lime paint Limewash to achieve a beautiful cloudy surface

We recommend 2 different methods to achieve a beautifully cloudy surface with Little Greene Limewash.

In both methods, 2-3 coats are applied with a flat brush.

Option 1:

Stir the Little Greene Limewash well.

1st application:

Apply the Limewash with a brush in short, criss-cross strokes. 

2nd application: 
Once dry, apply the Limewash again  in short, criss-cross strokes, starting from a different place each time to achieve different results.

Optional 3rd application:
Apply the Limewash again in short crosswise strokes, again starting in a different place if possible.

If, after drying, areas that you don't like are visible on the wall again, you can simply remove them with an abrasive fleece using light pressure.

Option 2: 

Again,  stir the Little Greene Limewash well.

1st application:
Apply the Limewash with the flat brush, creating individual 40-60cm clouds of paint. This means that you spread the paint with the flat brush and then place the next cloud next to it.

2nd application: 
For the second application, repeat the process, but make sure that you start at a different corner of the wall to get different results.

Optional 3rd application :
You can apply a third coat, again starting from a different corner.

If any of the edges you see on the wall after drying are not to your satisfaction, you can simply remove them by applying a little pressure with an abrasive fleece.