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Wallpaper for the bathroom

In principle, all our wallpapers are suitable for the bathroom.

Our wallpapers can tolerate occasional splashes with our vinyl wallpapers being even more suitable for splashing water.

In the shower area wallpaper should not be used.

Uncoated non-woven or paper wallpapers (without vinyl coating) have the advantage that they can absorb air moisture and then gradually release it back into the room air.
So, if you wallpaper part of your bathroom with such wallpaper, the typical fogging of the mirror after an extensive shower will be less or may not happen at all.

Should I use wallpaper protector in the bathroom?

We used to take a critical view of this: Under certain circumstances, wallpaper protection can significantly change the colour, gloss level and therefore the overall character of the wallpaper.
Since we have found and tested the Polyvine product line, we can recommend this, especially in areas subject to wear and tear. You can find more information here:

Can I wallpaper directly on tiles?
This is possible. In this case, instead of a paste, it is best to use a dispersion adhesive. However, all the joints of the tile pattern will show on the wallpaper. Therefore, we recommend to fill the tiles beforehand.

 Are you still looking for inspiration for the design of bathrooms with wallpaper?
Then visit our wallpaper blog.

Even more inspiration: